Everything You Should Know About Concrete Cutting

In every construction project, it is going to require some type of concrete cutting to complete the job. While cutting of concrete seems to be straightforward and simple, there are many other things that should be considered to have a safe concrete cutting project.

Firstly, you need to be mindful that the dust created by concrete wall sawing is potentially damaging to the human body particularly to the eyes, sinuses and lungs. The dust can also be abrasive and corrosive and can create damage. Dust control has become a huge importance when it comes to cutting the concrete either with a core boring bit, saw or a drill.

The two of the common methods used in controlling dust are pneumatic devices and wet cutting. In terms of pneumatic devices, this pulls the dust away in the air stream to minimize the amount of dust created while wet cutting collects the dust using cooling water.

If you are using a diamond cutting blade like the ones by Orlando concrete cutting companies or perhaps any other abrasive disk cutting devices, then the water will serve as lubrication and cool off the cutting tool. There are certain considerations that must be made when handling spillage of cooling water to surface. A drainage must be present or a vacuum system shall be used to regulate the spread of cooling water.

When you are using electrical powered tool, adequate grounding, appropriate ground fault or insulation, then applying the right protection is a must. As you stand in a puddle of water and using an electrical tool at the same time is proven to be fatal especially if there are no protections present. Extra precaution must be added when using core drilling machine. Many of these machines generally rely on suctions in keeping the base right in place while drilling. Read news about high tech homes here at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/11/smart-homes_n_1509378.html.

There are a couple of things that need to be understood during lockdown operation. The slicker the surface, the greater the suction seal will be. However, there is going to be a lesser resistance to rotation because of the friction made from slick floor. This is true, particularly when concrete is wet. Not only that, while the rough floors can provide higher friction, the roughness it has will not create a strong vacuum seal.

In either case, vacuum seal is not totally dependable and may fall during the drill operation. This is the reason why the operator has to be very keen of the feasibility that the machine might violently rotate without prior warning.